Why You Should Use a Quantity Take-Off Service?

Before getting down to the answer of the above question, let us dig a bit deeper into pre-construction management and how it is related to efficient quantity-take off. The construction take-off forms the backbone of a precisely managed pre-construction process. They form the foundation on which successful cost estimates and construction budgets are built. A thoroughly detailed and well-organized quantity take-off is a valuable project management tool.
Now, to answer the question in the title, let us explore certain aspects of quantity take-offs.
You must have noticed that outsourcing quantity take-off services are becoming more common among contractors. It is because contractors or any construction company is more interested in minimizing risks and expenses and maximizing profit and efficiency. Thus, hiring a highly specialized team of estimators is advantageous as estimates for various trades can be procured from a single take-off service provider. This saves the time that goes in collating and composing a variety of take-offs in final workable formats.
For estimators, taking aid from a quantity take-off service cuts the tedious process of cost estimation to the extent of almost half. While the service providers handle the quantity take-offs, the estimators can focus on the more important figures in estimates, i.e., the cost related numbers. Additional computers and maintenance of software used for the quantity take-off are the other accompanying overhead expenses that get truncated using quantity take-off services. Can you see these savings adding up already?
Conclusion: It becomes a lot easier for you as all of your quantity takeoff work is being taken care of in the most systematic way and your operations become more streamlined.
Growing your business requires you to bid more. And more bids mean more work and more management. So, to achieve more bids without having to deal with the management aspect of it, you can assign some projects to a quantity take-off service. They will not only work for you to produce accurate estimates but will also save you from the stress of micromanaging multiple teams working on the various takeoffs.
Your jobs get taken care of while you can work on the new ways of expanding your business and getting new bids or managing new clients or paying more personal attention to your old clients. This way you’re saving your time which means that you are making money by bidding more!
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Conclusion: Using quantity take-off services not only helps you to lighten the workload on your team but also opens up so many bidding opportunities because now you have a higher number of helping hands that can draft estimates for you.
It’s a debate for another day to decide on the goodness and brutality of the construction industry when it comes to competitiveness. A single penny less and the bid is lost to the one who is offering to do a job at a cheaper price than yours. You will always need a very detailed and precisely done quantity take-off before you go for any bidding.
A thoroughly done estimate will always infuse great confidence in you, whenever you go and bid because you are so sure of the quantity, the numbers, and the pricing. Are these accurate numbers something which fetches you the bid? Then isn’t it a good idea to hire a team of estimators who only work for you to get you these numbers, right? You could’ve probably saved so many lost bids only if you chose to hire a quantity take-off service.
Conclusion: Know the exact numbers that can fetch you the bid before your competitor. A take-off services can be beneficial, especially when you are going for a bid that you are less knowledgeable about or is very important for you to crack.
Getting the work done on time is a real struggle, that too when you have a small team, or you are overloaded with projects to deliver. Quantity take-off is a laborious & repetitive process and demands a certain amount of time for completion. Therefore, taking the assistance of a construction estimating service can be a great way to supplement your estimating department during the heavy bidding cycles.
Ultimately, you don’t want to fail in meeting your deadlines because that can cost you your clients’ reliability on your services. It is always better to foresee the amount of workload coming in the near future. This way you can decide upon outsourcing a take-off service well in advance.
Conclusion: Using a quantity take-off service can be a great tool to supplement your estimating department during the heavy bidding cycles and also otherwise, as it also helps you work towards seizing more opportunities in the business.